Wednesday 13 October 2010




Court roll. 11 membranes. This first roll includes some interesting court leet entries and other memoranda. The election of officers (constables and headboroughs) took place at the view of frankpledge. No clear distinction between the leet, the view of frankpledge and the court baron was made at the time, and the proceedings of the court baron were entered in continuation of the leet entries under the heading 'Modo de Cur'. The day of the week is usually recorded and courts were apparently held on any day of the week. It seems likely that the early courts were copied at some time very late in the reign of Elizabeth and that later ones were added on as they occurred. View of frankpledge and court baron, 6 Oct 28 Eliz: court memoranda include the claiming of a spade worth xl shillings, brought into the manor by an unknown person, by the Lord of the manor; and the imposition of a xii pence fine on tenants who do not keep the fences between the heath and the common field in good repair. View of frankpledge and court baron, 6 Sep 29 Eliz: court entries include presentments of Andrew Thorneden for cutting down an ash and 'heythorne bushes' and of John Colcock for fetching water from a well called Rungwell. The homage also ordered 'all the resiantes of this mannor to kepe their swyne [swine] out of the comon feild from the XVIIIth Oct untill the feild be broken up, uppon payne for every tyme iiis iiiid.' View of frankpledge and court baron, 2 Oct 30 Eliz, held before Thomas Cowper steward: court entries include the presentment of Thomas Stydolfe for not repairing his hedges in Langleys Hatch. View of frankpledge and court baron, 11 Jun 32 Eliz: court entries include the presentment of John Colcock for assaulting John Somer 'vis et armis et de eo extravit sanguinem contra pacem domine Regine'; of Thomas Ringe encroaching and enclosing land; of William Wycker for cutting down an oak; and an order regulating the keeping of ducks and geese on Turnner Pond. View of frankpledge and court baron, 6 Apr 34 Eliz: court entries include the presentments of Margaret, wife of John «Weller», a common scold to be punished 'cum supplicio de le Tumbrell'; and of Thomas Kempsall for theft. Court baron of 22 May 34 Eliz, first court of Richard Weston: entries include presentments of Edward Attwell for a tenement in decay and of John Turny of Mickleham for using the common 'iniuste et sine licentiam'. View of frankpledge and court baron, 25 Apr 35 Eliz: entries include the presentments of Thomas King 'est homo male conversaconis sine gesture' and of Margaret Kitchen for molesting Phillip Barton in church during divine service to the great annoyance of her neighbours. There then follows the text of a court held in 44 Eliz, crossed out, which is copied out again in sequence. View of frankpledge and court baron, 1 Oct 39 Eliz: entries include the presentments of Edward «Weller» for cutting down a yew. Court baron, 12 Dec 40 Eliz. View of frankpledge and court baron, 12 Mar 41 Eliz: entries include presentments for fencing offences. Court baron, 23 Dec 43 Eliz. View of frankpledge and court baron, 16 Apr 44 Eliz: entries include an order imposing penalty for cutting down and selling bracken outside the manor. View of frankpledge and court baron, 28 Sep 1 James, held before Thomas Wicker [?lessee of the manor]. View of frankpledge and Court Baron, 19 Sep 3 James, held before George Duncumbe steward: entries include a presentment for the assault of Richard Sampson ('et ab eodem Ricardo adtunc ibidem traxaverunt sanguinem') and presentment for fences. Court baron, 17 Apr 4 James, held before George Duncumbe steward. Court baron, 20 May 6 James, held before George Duncumbe steward. View of frankpledge and court baron, 28 Sep 8 James. Court baron, 29 Mar 9 James: court entries include presentment of all inhabitants for fences between fields and land called Le Nore and in Le Homefield. View of frankpledge and court baron, 11 Sep 9 James: court entries include presentments for fences and boundaries. View of frankpledge and court baron, 9 Apr 10 James: court entries include a presentment of John Lucas for [?] erecting a gate on the highway to Norwood Green [now Nower Green] leading towards Kingston to the great annoyance of travellers; order for the repair of the gate leading to the lane called Tille Lane in this manor; order controlling the use of the waste for pigs.

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